Artist's Book Open House: Selections from the Fine Arts and Rare Books & Manuscripts Libraries

Students studying in Fine Arts Library
September 24, 2019
10:00AM - 4:00PM
Fine Arts Library, 1850 College Rd S # 35L, Columbus, OH 43210

Date Range
2019-09-24 10:00:00 2019-09-24 16:00:00 Artist's Book Open House: Selections from the Fine Arts and Rare Books & Manuscripts Libraries The Fine Arts Library will host an open house of artist's books, showcasing works from the Fine Arts Library’s own collection in addition to selections from the Rare Books & Manuscripts Library. We will have out new acquisitions as well as old favorites. Join us as we consider the form and function of the artist’s book. There will also be an interactive station, with materials and some guidance available for participants to make something of their own. Fine Arts Library, 1850 College Rd S # 35L, Columbus, OH 43210 America/New_York public

The Fine Arts Library will host an open house of artist's books, showcasing works from the Fine Arts Library’s own collection in addition to selections from the Rare Books & Manuscripts Library.

We will have out new acquisitions as well as old favorites. Join us as we consider the form and function of the artist’s book. There will also be an interactive station, with materials and some guidance available for participants to make something of their own.

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