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History of Art Graduate Student Association

History of Art Graduate Student Association

What is the History of Art Graduate Student Association?

The History of Art Graduate Student Association (HAGS) is a self-governed student organization comprised of current graduate students in the department. Our general goal is to continually provide lectures and events that are intellectually stimulating and professionally beneficial to students and members of the community. In addition, we hope to provide a place for our graduate students to build strong and lasting relationships with one another. We hold special lectures, workshops, and a bi-annual conference that focuses on our student’s needs and interests.

History of Art Graduate Student Association Representatives

Student representatives participate in the History of Art Graduate Association (HAGS), Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee and the Group for the Intellectual Life of the Department (GILD). In addition to these committees, students participate in activities related to the recruitment of future graduate students and new faculty. See more about the specific representative positions below.

The HAGS president organizes and leads meetings of the History of Art Graduate Student Association, attends monthly faculty meetings as a liaison and representative of the graduate students, and assists in introducing incoming students to the Department. During conference years, the president also serves on the conference committee; during non-conference years, he/she/they secures organizational funds to host HAGS-selected visiting lecture or some other workshop or training that benefits overall professional development.

The Vice-President position participates with the graduate chair regarding matters pertaining to the Graduate Student committee and automatically becomes the President of HAGS the following year. 

The Treasurer is responsible for writing grant applications in order to secure funding for HAGS events, managing and monitoring the HAGS bank account, and, during conference years, ensuring that the financial matters pertaining to the conference run smoothly. This includes securing grants for conference elements such as payment for the keynote speaker, advertisement costs (posters, postcards, etc.), and catering fees, as well as managing honorarium payments for guest speakers. 

The GILD Representative coordinates GILD events alongside the GILD committee chair and maintains communication with the graduate student population to ensure good attendance and receive feedback on events.

The DEI Committee Representatives serve as two graduate student representatives on the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Committee for a two year appointment by attending DEI meetings and helping develop plans for DEI efforts during the academic year.

The social chair organizes the social events (holiday parties, end-of-semester gatherings, etc.) for the HAGS organization over the academic year and arranges to thank the administrative professionals in the department with a card and small gift (flowers or a Starbucks gift card, etc.) from the graduate students.