The annual Graduate Student Symposium highlights the broad range of graduate research currently supported by the History of Art Department at Ohio State. This event is designed to foster the intellectual community of the department, providing an opportunity for thoughtful engagement among faculty, current, and prospective students.
Ravinder Binning, Visiting Assistant Professor
Introduction and Welcome
Maika Kagawa Bahr, PhD Student
Area of study: Twentieth-century Japanese Visual Culture
“Donning the Ornament of the Other: Cross-Ethnic Costuming in Early Takarazuka Theatre”
Cole J. Graham, PhD Student
Areas of study: Dis/ability and Gender in 20th Century Painting
“Inefficient, Unsustainable, and Fragmentary: The Rauschenberg Combines as Disabled Bodies”
April Riddle, PhD Student
Areas of study: Contemporary Art and New Media
“Figitur et Fractis: St. Vitus’s Conversion Coins of Corvey Abbey”
Schuyler Black-Seitz, PhD Student
Areas of study: Twentieth-Century Art and Politics in the US and Europe
“Public Images and Imperial Power: New Deal Murals from the Post Office Department Building”