Associate Professor Sampada Aranke will be presenting “Material Matters: Black Radical Aesthetics and the Limits of Visibility” at “An Otherwise Data,” a one day symposium at OSU on race and data sponsored by TDAI: The Translational Data Analytics Institute. See further information about the Symposium on the Translational Data Analytics Institute website.
What does Race and Data mean in your field of study? What are their materialities, technologies, ecologies, politics, media and stories? How does Race work in the machine of your knowledge production? This workshop brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines to critically convene on how they gather, study, mediate, refuse, inherit, dissolve, confront and/or understand these terms in the analytics of their stories and the work. How or is a data analytics of liberation at these times possible? What does a just data science and/or an otherwise data feel like, unfold?