Please join us for a symposium in conjunction with the exhibition Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images: The Dresden Tapestries & Their Impact, Columbus Museum of Art. The symposium is jointly presented by the Columbus Museum of Art and the Department of History of Art at The Ohio State University.
This event is free and open to the public; advance registration required. The symposium will take place in person in 260 Pomerene Hall on the OSU campus, and will also be livestreamed via Zoom.
Those attending are encouraged to view the exhibition at the Columbus Museum of Art, which will be open on the day of the Symposium from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The exhibition opens to the public on July 15 (CMA Member preview on the evening of July 14) and runs until October 30.

Symposium Schedule
2:00: Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Stephan Koja, Director, GAM
Nannette Maciejunes, Director, CMA
Dr. Karl Whittington, Chair, Ohio State
2:15: Keynote “Raphael’s Tapestries in Context”
Dr. Christian Kleinbub, Professor, OSU
3:15: “Power & Permanence: Raphael’s Impact & Legacy in the Seicento”
Francesca S. Croce, Ph.D. candidate, art history, University of Vienna
3:40: “Raphael & Correggio in Dresden”
Helen Kohn, research assistant GAM, Dresden & Ph.D. candidate, art history, Goethe University, Frankfurt
4:05: “Giovanni da Udine’s Contribution to the Raphael Tapestry Cartoons”
Larissa Mohr, Ph.D. candidate, University of Vienna & co-curator of Raphael - The Power of Renaissance Images, GAM, Dresden
4:30: Q&A
5:00: Reception
Image Credits:
Mortlake Tapestry Manufactory (after designs by Raphael), Feed My Sheep (Christ's Charge to Peter), After 1625. Tapestry, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
Mortlake Tapestry Manufactory, after Raphael, The Miraculous Draft of Fishes, after 1625, tapestry, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
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