History of Art beyond the classroom: Latin American Studies

June 23, 2017

History of Art beyond the classroom: Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies

PhD Candidate Mabi Ponce de León is one of twelve applicants admitted in the month-long OSU Center for Latin American Studies Fulbright-Hays Study Abroad Program, Teaching the Andes, led by SPPO Professors Michelle Wibbelsman and Terrell Morgan. The award includes all transportation, lodging, meals, and educational activities. Flying into Quito, Ecuador, the group will stay in Otalavo for two weeks, and then travel to Cusco, Peru for another two weeks. Activities include daily intensive Quechua and Andean studies plus educational excursions and participations with the local communities. Upon her return in mid-July, Mabi's post-seminar responsibilities as a Fulbright-Hays scholar will include public presentations in conferences and/or other academic settings to share her knowledge of the Andes.

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