PhD Candidate April Riddle Travels to Europe to Conduct Dissertation Research

July 23, 2024

PhD Candidate April Riddle Travels to Europe to Conduct Dissertation Research

April Riddle standing outside the entrance to the 36th World Congress in Lyon, France
PhD candidate April Riddle received a travel fellowship from the National Committee for the History of Art to attend the 36th Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art World Congress in Lyon, France from June 23-28. The theme of the conference was “Matter/Materiality,” and it included 93 sessions led by scholars from around the world.

With the support of an Aida Cannarsa Snow Endowment Award and a Graduate Research Small Grant, April continued her post-conference travels in Europe in order to conduct dissertation research. In Karlsruhe, Germany, she visited the ZKM Center for Art and Media, which was one of the first museums to feature artist-produced video games. April then spent time in Kassel, Germany, where she walked around the city experiencing Joseph Beuys’s 7000 Oaks, which will be the focus of one of her dissertation chapters. She was also able to research the project at the Documenta Archive. Her last stops in Germany included Düsseldorf and Bedburg-Hau, where she explored the Julia Stoschek Collection and the Joseph Beuys Archive at the Museum Schloss Moyland. The final highlight of her trip was traveling to Italy to see the 60th Venice Biennale

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