January 25, 2023
PhD Student Schuyler Black-Seitz Conducts Research on New Deal Murals in Washington, D.C.

Ben Shahn, The Meaning of Social Security, 1940
With the support of an Aida Cannarsa Snow Endowment award, PhD student Schuyler Black-Seitz traveled to Washington, DC to conduct dissertation research on New Deal murals. His focus for this trip was murals commissioned by the Treasury Section of Fine Arts for the United States Post Office Department headquarters.
He was also able to visit the Wilbur J. Cohen building, which currently houses the Voice of America headquarters. The Post Office building and the Voice of America headquarters contain some of the most advanced murals created during the New Deal, including Rockwell Kent’s Mail Service in the Tropics, Ben Shahn’s The Meaning of Social Security, and Philip Guston’s Reconstruction and Wellbeing of the Family."