March 31, 2022
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2022-03-31 12:30:00
2022-03-31 14:00:00
DEI Reading Group - Spring 2022
As part of our department’s commitment to fostering a robust discussion of racism and white supremacy within — and at the very root of — the history of art, we (the Diversity and Equity Committee) are organizing a series of study sessions to explore recent scholarship that addresses this issue from a cross-disciplinary perspective.Our second session, will be held at 12:30-2:00PM on Thursday, March 31st. We will read Nya McCarthy-Brown's article "Navigating Anti-Racism in an Anti-Black Landscape."Please note that this event has moved to Zoom!Please email historyofart@osu.edu for link.
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2022-03-31 12:30:00
2022-03-31 14:00:00
DEI Reading Group - Spring 2022
As part of our department’s commitment to fostering a robust discussion of racism and white supremacy within — and at the very root of — the history of art, we (the Diversity and Equity Committee) are organizing a series of study sessions to explore recent scholarship that addresses this issue from a cross-disciplinary perspective.Our second session, will be held at 12:30-2:00PM on Thursday, March 31st. We will read Nya McCarthy-Brown's article "Navigating Anti-Racism in an Anti-Black Landscape."Please note that this event has moved to Zoom!Please email historyofart@osu.edu for link.
As part of our department’s commitment to fostering a robust discussion of racism and white supremacy within — and at the very root of — the history of art, we (the Diversity and Equity Committee) are organizing a series of study sessions to explore recent scholarship that addresses this issue from a cross-disciplinary perspective.
Our second session, will be held at 12:30-2:00PM on Thursday, March 31st. We will read Nya McCarthy-Brown's article "Navigating Anti-Racism in an Anti-Black Landscape."
Please note that this event has moved to Zoom!
Please email historyofart@osu.edu for link.