The body has been a compelling source for artistic production in every period. Whether focusing on the corporeal body or manifestations of it, understandings of the body can range from its symbol as a metaphorical sacrament to its concrete form within painting, photography, film, and sculpture. “Encountering the Body,” the 2018 Art History Graduate Symposium at The Ohio State University investigates how the body has been conceptualized. Presentations consider theories that have shifted our understanding of the body and its continuously evolving definitions and interpretations. Our conference attempts to examine a wide range of dichotomies from the material to the immaterial, the representational to the conceptual.
We are honored to have Professor Joan Kee from the University of Michigan as our keynote, which will take place on Friday, April 6 from 4:00-5:30 pm in Journalism Building 300.
Hosted by The Ohio State University’s History of Art Graduate Student Association