

Headshot of Alexander Nagel
October 20, 2011
Alexander Potts standing at a podium
October 18, 2012

Patrons' Circle Lecture 2012: Alexander Potts

Psychology Building, room 0002
Headshot of Carolyn Dean
November 7, 2013
Headshot of Michael Lobel
October 9, 2014
Victor Stoichita leaning on a balcony
September 17, 2015
Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby holding a book and a bouquet of flowers
December 8, 2016

Patron's Circle Lecture 2016: Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby

1005 Smith Laboratory, 174 W. 18th Ave.
Krista Thompson
April 16, 2021

Patrons' Circle Lecture 2021 : Krista Thompson

Online (Zoom Registration Required)