Graduate Travel Award Application SP25

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The application period is now open for the semiannual History of Art Departmental Awards. The Graduate Studies Committee will review applications received ahead of the deadline and announce decisions soon thereafter.  

This funding round encompasses all travel from the deadline through September 2025. 

Applications for these awards are due by Sunday, February 2 at midnight.  

If you are applying for funding for more than one trip, you should submit this form multiple times (once for each trip). 



Personal Information
Graduate Research Small Grant
Upload requirements

Please stop and apply for the GRSG for this trip before proceeding. 

Applications are open for the Graduate Research Small Grants. You can apply for these funds once per academic year. The graduate studies committee is requiring that you apply for GRSG funds along with your departmental award application so that we can meet the needs of all of our graduate students throughout the academic year. 

Trip Details

Proposal should include the details of your trip and how this will benefit your progress as a graduate student. Please limit to no more than 3 paragraphs. 

Upload requirements
Upload requirements
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Please share details about any other funding sources or outstanding applications. 


Please utilize this template to complete the budget for your proposed trip. 

Upload requirements
Additional Questions

Please share past awards that you have received from the department. 

If you are adding personal time to your trip, please explain here. This is allowable, but you will need to do a cost-comparison before booking your flight and other acccomodations. 

If you are traveling with someone, please explain here. This is allowable, but you may need to complete a cost comparison for certain expenses such as lodging with single vs. double occupancy. 

Application Attachments
Upload requirements

A letter will need to be sent to the Graduate Studies Chair, Jody Patterson, by you or your advisor ahead of application review. 

Please upload additional documentation that may be relevant for committee review. 

Upload requirements