Book by Kris Paulsen has been awarded the 2017/18 Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies

January 12, 2018

Book by Kris Paulsen has been awarded the 2017/18 Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies

Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award

Congratulations to Professor Kris Paulsen, whose book, Here/There: Telepresence, Touch, and Art at the Interface (MIT, 2017), has been awarded the 2017/18 Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

The Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award recognizes the best new scholarly work that exemplifies rigorous, interdisciplinary and theoretical inquiry into issues of vision and visuality. Funded by a generous gift from her estate, the Anne Friedberg Award recognizes innovative work that expands the discipline of film and media studies, emphasizing its relationship to other visual fields, including architecture, art history, and digital media. Believing that "how the world is framed may be as important as what is contained within that frame,” Friedberg was known for her intellectually agile examination of the increasingly visual nature of contemporary culture and its representation on a gamut of screens: at movie theaters, on televisions and computers, on iPhones, BlackBerrys and other hand-held devices. The author of two books on these subjects, Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern (1994) and The Virtual Window: From Alberti to Microsoft (2006), Anne Friedberg was President-Elect of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies before her untimely death in 2009.

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