January 5, 2021
Byron Hamann Colloquium: "A History of Mexico Through Histories of 'The Conquest': The Lienzos of Tiaxcala Remade, 1552-2012"

This colloquium by Byron Hamann, William C. Seitz Senior Fellow, will examine the changes of a historical narrative throughout time, in conjunction with the images that portray this narrative. This project studies the transformations of an artwork —the painted-cloth Lienzo de Tiaxcala— across six centuries, and asks what this history of making copies can tell us 1) about ever-shifting understandings of the "Conquest of Mexico"; and 2) about changing conceptualizations of the copied image as seen from indigenous Mexico—and as connected to a broader world of Euroamerican visual culture.
This event is virtual and will take place via Zoom meeting on January 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.