Call for Papers Announced for 2024 Graduate Symposium 'Beyond Habituality'

Call for Papers - The Ohio State University 2024 Graduate Symposium
Hosted by the OSU History of Art Graduate Student Association
Beyond Habitability: Homes as Built and Imagined Spaces
Submission Date: Monday, January 1st, 2024
Symposium Date: Saturday, April 6th, 2024
Note: Selected presenters will be notified by Friday, January 19th, 2024.
Opening Remarks: Cole J. Graham, PhD Student, The Ohio State University
Closing Remarks: Ujaan Ghosh, Assistant Professor, History of Art, The Ohio State University
Home—It’s a capacious word that opens onto explorations of urban and rural architecture, the division between the public and the private, questions of craft and production, and everything in between. The rapidly multiplying questions that the concept of “home” raises are thorny (and more urgent than ever, as we face the large-scale movement of people across the globe, migrations made either willingly or unwillingly): How does the concept of "home" come to bear on our situatedness within the cosmos and our dispersal throughout and over our “Spaceship Earth”? What does it mean to be at or in a home? To feel at home? (And how is this feeling tied to embodied experiences of difference such as race, gender, ability, and sexuality?) In what ways does one miss or long for home? What is it to come home? What kind of projects are necessary to make a home? In other words: what makes a place (in)habitable?
We invite proposals from current graduate students at all levels for 20-minute, virtual presentations that explore questions of architecture, displacement, queer phenomenology, landscapes, domesticity, craft, enclosure, techno-utopias, and all other themes related to habitability.
Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words, accompanied by a CV, to the History of Art Graduate Student Association ( by Monday, January 1st, 2024.
Image credit: Wendy Starr, Makes the Lodge Good, 2022
See the Call for Papers Flyer.