History of Art 2003 and 2003H Travels to the Cincinnati Art Museum to View Chinese Art Exhibition

Forty-four Students in History of Art 2003 and 2003H, taught by Christina Mathison and Julia Andrews, enjoyed a field trip to the Cincinnati Art Museum on Sunday, October 23, 2022, to view a special loan exhibition of paintings, tomb figurines, and stone relief carvings on the theme of the horse in Chinese art.
We were excited to see some exquisite Chinese handscroll, fan, and hanging scroll paintings dating from the Southern Song to the late Qing dynasty. We also visited CAM's permanent galleries of Asian art, where we saw bronzes, Buddhist sculptures, and ceramics similar to those we have studied in class. We saw the newly rediscovered "Magic Mirror" (Makio) in the Cincinnati collection which reflects an image of the Buddha from its apparently plain bronze surface.
Some of the American art on display told the story of Cincinnati's 19th and early 20th century fascination for Japanese art. Many of us took the opportunity to seek out some of the other displays, ranging from the newly installed Middle Eastern galleries, the African collection, and contemporary painting. Graduate students Keyu Yan, Christy Sher, and Yifan Li were a great help to the group!