History of Art Major Serves on Campus Committee

October 3, 2024

History of Art Major Serves on Campus Committee

History of Art Major Iris Dow

History of Art senior Iris Dow has been chosen to serve as undergraduate representative on the Campus Art and Memorials Committee for the 2024-2025 academic year. The committee advises the Office of Academic Affairs on proposals for the development of art and memorials on university property.


Asked about her new position, Iris replied that she is “thrilled to be a new part of the Campus Arts & Memorials Committee!” She continued by saying: “I applied for this role because I am extremely passionate about public arts and connecting the greater Columbus community to local art and artists. Coming from a low-income background, I think it is crucial to provide everyone in the Columbus community with opportunities to engage in public arts. In addition to this, my academic background has left me so eager to contribute to the research and editorial aspects of this ongoing project. I so look forward to collaborating with such a diverse array of disciplines through the seasoned members of the committee. I am so excited to be a part of the team and learn more about the professional art world!”

Iris’s contributions as a member of the Campus Arts and Memorials Committee will help shape the visual culture of the Ohio State University’s campus in ways that will be visible for years to come.

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