History of Art Majors Travel to New York City for Capstone Research Seminar

A group of twelve History of Art majors traveled to New York City over fall break (Oct 13-15) as part of the department’s capstone research seminar. Led by Prof. Jody Patterson, and assisted by PhD student Schuyler Black-Seitz, the group visited the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), The Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as well as viewing public art and monuments throughout the city. The trip was connected to Prof. Patterson’s course, “Exhibiting and Collecting American Art.”
Students also met with two History of Art alumni who work in the arts in New York City, connecting with them about careers in the arts and how to prepare for life after graduation. The trip was fully funded for all students, and we hope to make this experience part of the capstone research seminar (History of Art 4016) permanently.
More details to come about this year’s trip in the department newsletter later this fall.