

Emeritus James

Professor Emeritus James Morganstern named associate member of the Centre Michel de Boüard

Professor emeritus James Morganstern has been named an associate member of the Centre Michel de Boüard, Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques anciennes et médiévales (CRAHAM),…

Bryon Hamann

Assistant Professor Bryon Hamann Named an Editor of Grey Room

Assistant Professor Byron Hamann has been named an editor of Grey Room, one of the nation's premier academic journals that is devoted to scholarly and theoretical articles from the fields of…

The Art of Modern China Cover

The Art of Modern China selected for Choice's "Outstanding Academic Titles: Top 25 Books for 2013."

The Art of Modern China by Professor Julia F. Andrews and OSU alumnus Kuiyi Shen was selected for Choice's "Outstanding Academic Titles: Top 25 Books for 2013."

Vision and the Visionary in Raphael book cover

Christian Kleinbub Awarded 2013 Gustave O. Arlt Award

Christian Kleinbub, associate professor, history of art, has been awarded the 2013 Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities from the Council of Graduate Schools for his book Vision and the…

black and white artwork with squares in white and shades of gray on black background

Mathematical Rhymes co-curated by Kris Paulsen at Boston Cyberarts

Leonardo Electronic Almanac – in conjunction with Operational and Curatorial Research – and Boston Cyberarts are pleased to present Mathematical Rhymes – an exploration of art-making practices…

Icas Book Prize Humanities for "The Art of Modern China"

2013 International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) Book Prize

The Art of Modern China by OSU Distinguished Scholar Julia F. Andrews and OSU History of Art alumnus Dr. Kuiyi Shen has received the 2013 International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) Book…

Karl Whittington

Karl Whittington awarded the Meiss/Mellon Author's Book Award

Assistant Professor Karl Whittington has been awarded the Meiss/Mellon Author's Book Award from the College Art Association to help defray the cost of illustrations in his book Body-Worlds:…

Karl Whittington

Assistant Professor Karl Whittington has been awarded a Millard Meiss Publication Grant

Assistant Professor Karl Whittington has been awarded a Millard Meiss Publication grant from the College Art Association to subsidize the publication of his book, Body-Worlds: Opicinus de…

The Art of Modern China book cover

The Art of Modern China by Julia F. Andrews and Kuiyi Shen nominated for book award

The Art of Modern China by Julia F. Andrews and Kuiyi Shen has been named to the long list of titles for the 2013 book award in the Humanities from the International Conference of Asian Scholars…