

Book cover of "Death's Futurity"

Prof. Sam Aranke wins MLA book award

Associate Professor Sam Aranke has won a major award from the MLA (Modern Language Association) for her book, Death’s Futurity: The Visual Life of Black Power, published last year. The award is…

Lecture flyer depicting an abstract art work and event information

Distinguished University Professor Emerita Julia Andrews Lectures at Fondation Giacometti

On November 27, Distinguished University Professor Emerita Julia Andrews delivered a lecture at the Foundation Giacometti in Paris. Her talk, titled: “The Lure of the West: Chinese Modernists and…

Ho Tzu Nyen, One or Several Tigers, 2017

Professor Namiko Kunimoto Receives FirstGen Scholar Grant

Professor Namiko Kunimoto received a FirstGen Scholar Grant for her book, Imperial Animations in Transpacific Art, forthcoming from the University of California Press.

Dewey Crumpler, Green Bananas, 2017. Acrylic and metal leaf on canvas, 60 x 72 in. Courtesy of Andrew Kreps Gallery and the artist.

Professors Aranke and Jones Contribute to Driskell Center Exhibition

Professors Aranke and Jones, co-conveners of the Samella Lewis Initiative, are featured contributors to the exhibition “Dewey Crumpler: Life Studies” now on view at the David C. Driskell Center…

Virtual Talk with Namiko Kunimoto on screen in auditorium in Japan

Professor Namiko Kunimoto in News in Japan for Virtual Talk

Professor Namiko Kunimoto was featured on the news in Japan for giving a virtual talk on Shiraga Kazuo on the 100th memorial of his birth at the Amagasaki Cultural Center. 


The book on Debi Cornwall, Model Citizens, to which Paulsen contributed.

Professor Kris Paulsen Contributes Essay to New Book on Photographer Debi Cornwall

Professor Kris Paulsen contributed an essay, “Simulating Citizenship,” to a new book on Debi Cornwall, Model Citizens. Cornwall’s new body of work takes “the United States as a case study into a…

Photograph of Paulsen with fellow speakers and scholars of Paik's work.

Professor Kris Paulsen Speaks at Nam June Paik Art Center in Yongin, South Korea

Professor Kris Paulsen was invited to speak at the Nam June Paik Art Center as part of the Trans-Spatial Symposium celebrating Nam June Paik’s birthday and the 40-year anniversary of his satellite…

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Professor Namiko Kunimoto to Speak in Japan (virtually)

Namiko Kunimoto will speak (online) at a symposium in Ashiya, Japan, celebrating 100 years since Shiraga Kazuo was born. 
Professor Karl Whittington standing in front of a medieval courtyard

Professor Karl Whittington Conducts Research in France

Professor and Department Chair Karl Whittington conducted research for two weeks in France, as part of his book in progress, Queer Making: Artists and Desire in Medieval Europe.  He visited…