
History of Art Major Serves on Campus Committee
History of Art senior Iris Dow has been chosen to serve as undergraduate representative on the Campus Art and Memorials Committee for the 2024-2025 academic year. The committee advises the Office…

The Department Congratulates 2023-24 History of Art Graduates and Departmental Award Winners
The Department would like to congratulate all of the 2024 History of Art graduates. The Department also recognizes two undergraduate 2023-24 graduates who have received departmental awards.…

Megan Barborak (BA 2023) Publishes Article Based on Thesis Project
Megan Barborak, who graduated with a BA in History of Art from OSU in 2023, published an article in Nineteenth Century: The Magazine of the Victorian Society of America (Vol. 44, no. 1, Spring…

Four Undergraduate History of Art Majors Receive Aida Cannarsa Snow Undergraduate Scholarships
Aida Cannarsa Snow Scholarships of $2,000 are awarded annually to undergraduate students working towards a degree in History of Art (majors or double-majors). Applicants are chosen on the basis of…

History of Art Major Qaman Omar Publishes Article, “Imagining through Fabric”
History of Art Major Qaman Omar recently published an article in the magazine Oxford American. His piece, “Imagining through Fabric: The textiles and memories of Cameroon’s Muna Moto,”…

History of Art Major Breanne Eickholt Holds Internship at Urban Arts Space
Breanne Eickholt, a senior art history major at Ohio State, currently holds an internship at Urban Arts Space (UAS) gallery, which will continue through Spring 2024. Her internship work spans…

The Department Congratulates 2022-23 History of Art Graduates and Departmental Award Winners
The Department would like to congratulate all of the 2023 History of Art graduates. The Department also recognizes two undergraduate 2022-23 graduates who have received departmental awards.…

History of Art Major Sydney Collins Accepted to Case Western
The department is delighted to report that Sydney Collins, a graduating senior in History of Art, has been accepted with full funding to the MA Program in Art History and Museum Studies at Case…

Department Congratulates Abby O’Donnell, Sydney Collins, and Madelyn Thompson on Research Distinction Thesis Projects
The department congratulates three graduating seniors who have successfully defended their Research Distinction Thesis Projects. All three projects were advised by Dr. Ravi Binning. …