

Qaman Omar smiling in front of grey background

Qaman Omar (BA 2024) begins job at the Columbus Museum of Art

Recent History of Art Graduate Qaman Omar has accepted a position as Visitor Engagement Coordinator in the Department of Engagement and Interpretation at the Columbus Museum of Art. He is…

Mia Kivel

PhD Student Mia Kivel Wins Essay Prize

PhD Student Mia Kivel has won the 2024 Chino Kaori Memorial Essay Prize. The Japan Art History Forum’s Chino Kaori Memorial Essay Prize recognizes outstanding graduate…

Students in Rome during the study abroad program.

May 2025 Study Abroad Opportunity – Medieval Art in Italy: Rome and Florence

Students interested are encouraged to apply for HistArt 4798.01: Medieval Art in Italy – Rome and Florence.

Instructor: Prof. Karl Whittington

Medieval Art in Italy will be taught with a…

Byodoin in Uji architecture in Japan

PhD Student Christy Sher Studies Classical Japanese in Kyoto, Japan

PhD student Christy Sher immersed herself in a six-week Classical Japanese studies program in Kyoto, Japan in June and July 2024, preparing for her dissertation research. During her stay, Christy…

Archives of American Art

PhD Candidate Schuyler Black-Seitz Conducts Research in D.C. and New York

In August 2024, PhD candidate Schuyler Black-Seitz traveled to Washington, D.C. and Bard College in New York to conduct dissertation research. In D.C., Schuyler visited the Archives of American…

Virtual Talk with Namiko Kunimoto on screen in auditorium in Japan

Professor Namiko Kunimoto in News in Japan for Virtual Talk

Professor Namiko Kunimoto was featured on the news in Japan for giving a virtual talk on Shiraga Kazuo on the 100th memorial of his birth at the Amagasaki Cultural Center. 


The book on Debi Cornwall, Model Citizens, to which Paulsen contributed.

Professor Kris Paulsen Contributes Essay to New Book on Photographer Debi Cornwall

Professor Kris Paulsen contributed an essay, “Simulating Citizenship,” to a new book on Debi Cornwall, Model Citizens. Cornwall’s new body of work takes “the United States as a case study into a…

Photograph of Paulsen with fellow speakers and scholars of Paik's work.

Professor Kris Paulsen Speaks at Nam June Paik Art Center in Yongin, South Korea

Professor Kris Paulsen was invited to speak at the Nam June Paik Art Center as part of the Trans-Spatial Symposium celebrating Nam June Paik’s birthday and the 40-year anniversary of his satellite…

library with study tables

PhD Student Tony Del Aversano Attends Folger Shakespeare Library Skills Course

PhD student Tony Del Aversano received funding from the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. to attend their weeklong skills course, “An Orientation to Research Methods and Agendas,” in…